Park, J. B. and Lakes, R. S., Biomaterials, second edition, Plenum, (1992).
Park, J. B. and Lakes, R. S. Biomaterials, third edition, Springer (2007).
Book Chapters
Lakes, R. S., "Composite biomaterials", in The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, ed. J. D. Bronzino, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 598-610 (1995).
Lakes, R. S., "Composite Biomaterials", in The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, ed. J. D. Bronzino, CRC Press, Second Edition, Boca Raton, FL, (2000).
Journal Articles
Papadogianis, Y., Boyer, D. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Creep of conventional and microfilled dental composites", J. Biomed. Materials Research, 18 15-24 (1984). abstract
Papadogianis, Y., Boyer, D. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Creep of posterior dental composites", J. Biomed. Materials Research, 19 85-95 (1985).
The creep of microspecimens of posterior dental composites was studied using a torsional creep apparatus. Shear stresses were maintained for 3 h and recovery was followed for 50 h. Creep curves were obtained at 21, 37, and 50 degrees C and four torque levels. The effect of conditioning the specimens in water up to 8 weeks was studied. The posterior composites exhibited linear viscoelastic behavior at low deformations. They had higher shear moduli and greater resistance to creep than conventional and microfilled composites. In aging experiments, maximum shear moduli occurred when specimens were 48 h to 1 week old. Subsequent softening was attributed to water absorption. Residual strain was highest when the composites were stressed within 24 h of initiating polymerization. Residual strain was very low in specimens 48 h to 8 weeks of age.
Park, H. C., Liu, Y. K. and Lakes, R. S., "The material properties of bone-particle impregnated PMMA", J. Biomechanical Engineering, 108 141-148 (1986). abstract
Papadogianis, Y., Boyer, D. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Creep of amalgam at low stress", J. Dental Research, 66, 1569-1575 (1987). abstract
Lee, J. H., Park, J. B., Andreasen, G. F., and Lakes, R. S., "Thermomechanical studies of Ni-Ti alloys", J. Biomed. Materials Research, 22, 573-588 (1988).
Papadogiannis, Y., Helvatjoglou-Antoniadi, M., Lakes, R. S., and Sapountjis, M., "The creep behavior of glass-ionomer restorative materials", Dental Materials, 7, 40-43 (1991). abstract
Suliman, A. A., Boyer, D. B., and Lakes, R. S., "Cusp movement in premolars resulting from composite polymerization shrinkage", Dental Materials, 9, 6-10 (1993). abstract
Suliman, A. A., Boyer, D. B., and Lakes, R. S., "Interferometric measurements of cusp deformation of teeth restored with composites", J. Dental Research, 72, 1532-1536, (1993). abstract
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Papadogiannis Y, Lakes RS, Petrou-Americanos A, Theothoridou-Pahini S, "Temperature dependence of the dynamic viscoelastic behavior of chemical- and light-cured composites", Dent Mater. 9(2): 118-22, Mar. (1993) abstract
A Michelson interferometry setup was used to measure displacement of the buccal cusps of premolars after restoration of MOD preparations with composite resins. The effect of composite type, cavity size, and hydration conditions were examined. Interferometry permitted real-time measurement of cusp movement as it occurred. Contraction occurred very rapidly, about one third of the 60 minute amount within the 2 minute period of exposure to the curing light. Cusp movement was smooth rather than interrupted, indicating lack of microfracturing at deformations of 11-46 microns. Contraction, 0.94 % for Heliomolar and 1.2 % for P-50, was similar to the linear polymerization shrinkage of the resins. Less cusp movement occurred in small cavities than large cavities. Hydrated teeth had less cusp movement than dehydrated teeth.
Suliman, A. A., Boyer, D. B., and Lakes, R. S., "Polymerization shrinkage of composite resins: comparison with tooth deformation", J. Prosthetic Dentistry, 71, 7-12, (1994). abstract
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Boyer, D. B., Papadogiannis, Y., Park, H. C., and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelasticity and aging of dental composites", Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering, 8(1), 45-53, (1998). abstract
Papadogiannis, Y., Boyer, D. B., Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., Lakes, R. S., and Kapetanios, C.., "Dynamic viscoelastic behavior of resin cements measured by torsion resonance", Dental Materials, 19, (6), 510-516, Sept. (2003). (Get pdf)
Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., Papadogiannis, Y., Lakes, R. S., Dionysopoulos, P., Papadogiannis, D., "Dynamic and static elastic moduli of packable and flowable composite resins and their development after initial photo curing", Dental Materials, 22, 450-459, Apr. (2006). Get pdf
Papadogiannis, Y., Lakes, R. S., Palaghias, G., Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., Papadogiannis, D., "Fatigue of packable dental composites", Dental Materials, 23, 235-242 (2007). Get pdf
Papadogiannis, Y., Lakes, R. S., Palaghias, G., Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., Papadogiannis, D., "The effect of temperature on viscoelastic properties of glass ionomer cements and compomers", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials, 80B, 460-467 (2007). get pdf
Papadogiannis, D. Y., Lakes, R. S., Papadogiannis, Y., Palaghias, G., Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., "The effect of temperature on the viscoelastic properties of nano-hybrid composites", Dental Materials, 24, 257-266, Jan. (2008). get pdf.
Papadogianis, D., Lakes, R. S., Palaghias, G., and Papadogianis, Y., "Creep and dynamic viscoelastic behavior of endodontic fiber-reinforced composite posts", J. Prosth. Dent., 53 185-192, (2009). get pdf.
Papadogiannis, D., Lakes, R.S., Papadogiannis, Y., Tolidis, K. , "Mechanical viscoelastic behavior of dental adhesives", Dental Materials, 29, 693-701 (2013). get pdf. A formatted reprint will be provided upon request.