
Rod Lakes, University of Wisconsin

For download of articles, see home page and research links. Bottom: recent articles.


1. Park, J. B. and Lakes, R. S., Biomaterials, 2nd Ed., Plenum, (1992).
2. Lakes, R. S., Viscoelastic solids, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, (1998).
3. Park, J. B. and Lakes, R. S., Biomaterials, 3rd Ed., Springer, (2007).
4. Lakes, R. S., Viscoelastic materials, Cambridge University Press, (2009).
5. Lakes, R. S., Composites and metamaterials, World Scientific, July (2020).

Book Chapters, Rigorously Reviewed

1. Saha, S. and Lakes, R. S., "A new non-invasive device for monitoring the piezoelectric character of bone," in Electrical Properties of Bone and Cartilage , eds. C. T. Brighton, J. Black, S. R. Pollack; Grune and Stratton, 57-67 (1979).

2. Lakes, R. S. and Katz, J. L., "Viscoelastic properties of bone" Ch. 5, in CRC Press Series, Structure-Property Relationships in Biomaterials , ed. P. DuChiene and G. Hastings, Vol. 3 - Natural and Living Materials 61-87 (1984).

3. Lakes, R. S. "Properties of bone and teeth," in Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation, ed. J. G. Webster, J. Wiley, NY, 501-512 (1988).

4. Lakes, R. S., "Composite biomaterials", in The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, ed. J. D. Bronzino, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 598-610 (1995).

5. Lakes, R. S., "Experimental methods for study of Cosserat elastic solids and other generalized continua", in Continuum models for materials with micro-structure , ed. H. Mühlhaus, J. Wiley, N. Y. Ch. 1, p. 1-22, (1995).

6. Lakes, R. S., "Elastic freedom in cellular solids and composite materials", in Mathematics of Multiscale Materials , p. 129-153, ed. K. Golden, G. Grimmert, R. James, G. Milton, P. Sen, IMA vol. 99, Springer, NY, Berlin, (1998).

7. Lakes, R. S., Swan, C., Garner, E., Lee, T., and Stewart, K. "Experimental micromechanics and viscoelasticity of biological and bio-protective materials", in Synthesis in Bio-Solid Mechanics; IUTAM, Solid Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 69, ed. P. Pedersen, M. Bendsøe, Kluwer, Dordrecht, (1999).

8. Lakes, R. S., "Composite Biomaterials" in The Biomedical Engineering Handbook , ed. J. D. Bronzino, CRC Press, Second Edition, Boca Raton, FL, (2000).

9. Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic properties of cortical bone", in Bone Mechanics Handbook, ed. S. C. Cowin, CRC Press, Second Edition, Boca Raton, FL, (2001).

10. Grosland, N. M., Goel, V. K., Lakes, R. S., "Techniques and applications of adaptive bone remodeling concepts", In: Biomechanical Systems, Techniques, and Applications: Musculoskeletal Models and Techniques, Volume III (Ed. CT Leondes), CRC Press, (2001).

11. Oza, A. L., Vanderby, R., Jr., and Lakes, R. S., "Creep and relaxation in ligament: theory, methods and experiment", in Mechanics of Biological Tissue, ed. G. A. Holzapfel and R. A. Ogden, p. 377-397, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (2006).

12. Lakes, R. S. and Katz, J. L., "Bone and teeth, properties of" Vol. 1, p. 523-540, in Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation, ed. J. G. Webster, J. Wiley, NY, Feb. (2006).

13. Kretschmann, D. E., Cramer, S. M., Lakes, R. S., and Schmidt, T. W. "Selected mesostructure properties in loblolly pine from Arkansas plantations", Chapter 12, p. 147-170, in Characterization of the Cellulosic Cell Wall, ed..D. D. Stokke, L. H. Groom, Blackwell, Oxford, UK, (2006).

14. Lakes, R. S., "Composite Biomaterials", Chapter 41, page 41-1 to 41-14, in Biomedical Engineering Fundamentals, ed. J. D. Bronzino, The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Third Edition, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, London, (2006).

15. Jaglinski, T. M., Lakes, R. S., Negative stiffness and negative Poisson's ratio in materials which undergo a phase transformation, in Adaptive Structures: Engineering Applications, edited by D. Wagg, I. Bond, P. Weaver, M. Friswell, J. Wiley, Chichester, England, ch. 8, p. 231-246, (2007).

Journal Articles in Archival Journals with Rigorous Review Procedure

68, 76, 136, 139 in Nature; 15, 27, 40, 42, 128, 192 in Science; 120, 135, 291, 306 in Phys. Rev. Letters; 223 in Nature Materials. Go: these articles.

1. Lakes, R. S. and Poultney, S. K., "Photocathode quantum efficiency enhancement of the RCA 31000E photomultiplier at 6328Å," Applied Optics , 9, 2192 (1970)

2. Lakes, R. S. and Poultney, S. K., "Subnanosecond single-photoelectron timing resolution of the RCA C31000E photomultiplier using Ortec constant fraction discriminators and Monsanto light emitting diodes," Review of Scientific Instruments , 41, No. 12, 1889-1890 (1970).

3. Lakes, R. S. and Poultney, S. K., "Direct measurement of the quantum counting efficiency of RCA C31000E photomultipliers at 6328Å." Applied Optics , 10, 797-800, April (1971).

4. Lakes, R. S. and Katz, J. L., "Interrelationships among the viscoelastic functions for anisotropic solids: application to calcified tissues and related systems." Journal of Biomechanics, 7, 259-270, (1974).

5. Lakes, R. S. and Katz, J. L., "Transformation of the viscoelastic functions of calcified tissues and interfacial biomaterials in a common representation," Journal of Biological Physics , 2, (4) 193-204, (1974).

6. Lakes, R. S. and Harper, R. A., "Low frequency dielectric bridge," Review of Scientific Instruments, 46 (11), 1583-1586, (1975).

7. Lakes, R. S. and Katz, J. L., "Dielectric relaxation in cortical bone," Journal of Applied Physics , 48, 808-811, (1977).

8. Saha, S. and Lakes, R. S., "A non-invasive technique for detecting stress waves in bone using the piezoelectric effect," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , BME-24, 508-512, (1977).

9. Saha, S. and Lakes, R. S., "The effect of soft tissue on wave propagation and vibration tests for determining the in vivo properties of bone," Journal of Biomechanics , 10, 398-401, (1977).

10. Lakes, R. S. and Katz, J. L., "Viscoelastic and dielectric properties of bone," Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases , New York, 38 (1), 23-24, (1977).

11. Lakes, R. S. and Saha, S., "A non-contacting electromagnetic device for the determination of in vivo properties of bone." Medical Instrumentation , 12 (2), 106-109, (1978).

12. Lakes, R. S., Katz, J. L., and Sternstein, S. S., "Viscoelastic properties of wet cortical bone: Part I, torsional and biaxial studies." Journal of Biomechanics , 12, 657-678, (1979).

13. Lakes, R. S., Katz, J. L., "Viscoelastic properties of wet cortical bone: Part II, relaxation mechanisms," Journal of Biomechanics , 12, 679-687, (1979).

14. Lakes, R. S. and Katz, J. L., "Viscoelastic properties of wet cortical bone: Part III, A non-linear constitutive equation," Journal of Biomechanics , 12, 689-698, (1979).

15. Lakes, R. S. and Saha, S., "Cement line motion in bone," Science, 204, (1979), 501-503.

16. Lakes, R. S., "Prediction of anelastic loss in piezoelectric solids: effect of geometry," Applied Physics Letters , 34 (11), 729-730. (1979).

17. Lakes, R. S., "The role of gradient effects in the piezoelectricity of bone", IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. , BME-27 (5), 282-283, (1980).

18. Lakes, R. S., and Saha, S. "Long-term torsional creep in compact bone," Journal of Biomechanical Engineering , 102, 178-180, (1980).

19. Lakes, R. S., "Shape-dependent damping in piezoelectric solids," IEEE Trans. Sonics, Ultrasonics , SU27, 208-213, (1980).

20. Lakes, R. S., "Logarithmic relaxation spectrum for viscoelastic solids", Journal of Rheology , 25 (6), 663-671, (1981).

21. Yang,J. F. C., and Lakes, R. S., "Transient study of couple stress in compact bone: torsion", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering , 103, 275-279, (1981).

22. Lakes, R. S., Korttila, K., Eltoft, D., DeRose, A., and Ghoneim, M., "Instrumented force platform for the analysis of human stability", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering , BME-28: 725-729, (1981).

23. Korttila, K., Ghoneim, M. M., Jacobs, L., and Lakes, R. S., "Evaluation of instrumented force platform as a test to measure residual effects of anesthetics", Anesthesiology, 55, 625-630, (1981).

24. Lakes, R. S., "Dynamical study of couple stress effects in human compact bone", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering ,104,6-11, (1982).

25. Yang, J. F. C., and Lakes, R. S., "Experimental study of micropolar and couple stress elasticity in bone in bending", Journal of Biomechanics , 15, 91-98, (1982).

26. Lakes, R. S. and Benedict, R. L., "Noncentrosymmetry in micropolar elasticity", International Journal of Engineering Science , 20 (10), 1161-1167, (1982).

27. Lakes, R. S., Yoon, H. S. and Katz, J. L., "Slow compressional wave propagation in wet human and bovine cortical bone", Science, 220 513-515, (1983).

28. Lakes, R. S., "Size effects and micromechanics of a porous solid", J. Materials Science, 18 2572-2581, (1983).

29. Nakamura, S., Benedict, R. L. and Lakes, R. S., "Finite element method for orthotropic micropolar elasticity", International Journal of Engineering Science , 22 319-330 (1984).

30. Papadogianis, Y., Boyer, D. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Creep of conventional and microfilled dental composites", J. Biomed. Materials Research , 18 15-24 (1984).

31. Lakes, R. S., "A pathological situation in micropolar elasticity, J. Applied Mechanics , 52 234-235 (1985).

32. Papadogianis, Y., Boyer, D. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Creep of posterior dental composites", J. Biomed. Materials Research , 19 85-95 (1985).

33. Lakes, R. S., Gorman, D., and Bonfield, W., "Holographic screening method for microelastic solids", J.Materials Science, 20 2882-2888 (1985).

34. Lakes, R. S., "Demonstration of consequences of the continuum hypothesis", Mechanics Monograph , M51-5 (1985).

35. Lakes, R. S., "Experimental microelasticity of two porous solids", International Journal of Solids and Structures , 22 55-63 (1986).

36. Park, H. C. and Lakes, R. S., "Cosserat micromechanics of human bone: strain redistribution by a hydration-sensitive constituent", J. Biomechanics , 19 385-397 (1986).

37. Park, H. C., Liu, Y. K. and Lakes, R. S., "The material properties of bone-particle impregnated PMMA", J. Biomechanical Engineering , 108 141-148 (1986).

38. Lakes, R. S., Yoon, H. S. and Katz, J. L., "Ultrasonic wave propagation and attenuation in wet bone," J.Biomed. Engng. , 8 143-148 (1986).

39. Park, H. C. and Lakes, R. S. "Torsion of a micropolar elastic prism of square cross section", Int. J. Solids, Structures , 23, 485-503 (1987).

40. Lakes, R. S. "Foam structures with a negative Poisson's ratio",
Science, 235 1038-1040 (1987).

41. Papadogianis, Y., Boyer, D. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Creep of amalgam at low stress", J. Dental Research , 66, 1569-1575 (1987).

42. Lakes,R. S., "Negative Poisson's ratio materials" - reply, Science, 238 551 (1987).

43. Nakamura, S. and Lakes, R. S. "Finite element analysis of stress concentration around a blunt crack in a Cosserat elastic solid", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 66, 257-266 (1988).

44. Lee, J. H., Park, J. B., Andreasen, G. F., and Lakes, R. S., "Thermomechanical studies of Ni-Ti alloys", J. Biomed. Materials Research , 22, 573-588 (1988).

45. Lakes, R. S., "Multi wavelength techniques in holographic interferometry", Journal of Modern Optics , 35(9), 1459-1465 (1988).

46. Cohen, B. and Lakes, R. S., "Aberration reduction in one step lens image plane holography", Applied Optics , 27, 3322-3323 (1988).

47. Shipkowitz, A. T., Chen, C. P. and Lakes, R. S., "Characterization of high-loss viscoelastic elastomers", Journal of Materials Science , 23, 3660-3665 (1988).

48. Friis, E. A., Lakes, R. S., and Park, J. B., "Negative Poisson's ratio polymeric and metallic foams", Journal of Materials Science , 23, 4406-4414 (1988).

49. Lakes, R. S., "Book review, 'Cellular Solids' by L. Gibson and M. F. Ashby", Journal of Biomechanics , 22, 397 (1989).

50. Chen, C. P. and Lakes, R. S., "Apparatus for determining the properties of materials over ten decades of frequency and time", Journal of Rheology , 33(8), 1231-1249 (1989).

51. Lakes, R. S., "Comment on 'Some viscoplastic characteristics of bovine and human cortical bone'", Journal of Biomechanics , 22, 973 (1989).

52. Chen, C. P. and Lakes, R. S., "Dynamic wave dispersion and loss properties of conventional and negative Poisson's ratio polymeric materials", Cellular Polymers , 8, 343-369, (1989).

53. Habib, K., Carmichael, G., and Lakes, R. S., "Stress corrosion cracking of 2826 MB Metglas", Materials Characterization , 24, 41-47 (1990).

54. Chen, C. P. and Lakes, R. S., "Design of viscoelastic impact absorbers: optimal material properties", International Journal of Solids and Structures , 26, 1313-1328 (1990).

55. Lakes, R. S., Nakamura, S., Behiri, J. C. and Bonfield, W., "Fracture mechanics of bone with short cracks", Journal of Biomechanics , 23, 967-975 (1990).

56. Lakes, R. S., "Experimental micro mechanics methods for conventional and negative Poisson's ratio cellular solids as Cosserat continua", J. Engineering Materials and Technology , 113, 148-155 (1991).

57. Lakes, R. S., "Deformation mechanisms of negative Poisson's ratio materials: structural aspects", J. Materials Science , 26, 2287-2292 (1991).

58. Wuest, D. and Lakes, R. S., "Color control in reflection holograms by humidity", Applied Optics , 30, 2363-2367 (1991).

59. Chen, C. P. and Lakes, R. S., "Holographic study of conventional and negative Poisson's ratio metallic foams: elasticity, yield, and micro-deformation", J. Materials Science , 26, 5397-5402 (1991).

60. Choi, J. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Design of a fastener based on negative Poisson's ratio foam", Cellular Polymers , 10, 205-212 (1991).

61. Papadogiannis, Y., Helvatjoglou-Antoniadi, M., Lakes, R. S., and Sapountjis, M., "The creep behavior of glass-ionomer restorative materials", Dental Materials , 7, 40-43 (1991).

62. Lakes, R. S., "The time dependent Poisson's ratio of viscoelastic cellular materials can increase or decrease", Cellular Polymers, 11, 466-469, (1992).

63. Wuest, D. and Lakes, R. S., "Holographic optical element for projection of stereo images", Applied Optics , 31, 1008-1009 (1992).

64. Choi, J. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Nonlinear properties of polymer cellular materials with a negative Poisson's ratio", J. Materials Science , 27, 4678-4684 (1992). Cover issue.

65. Lakes, R. S., "Saint Venant end effects for materials with negative Poisson's ratios",
J. Applied Mechanics , 59, 744-746 (1992).

66. Choi, J. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Nonlinear properties of metallic cellular materials with a negative Poisson's ratio", J. Materials Science , 27, 5373-5381 (1992).

67. Lakes, R. S. and Vick, G., "Partial collimation of light from a diffusely reflective source",J. Modern Optics , 39, 2113- 2119, (1992).

68. Lakes, R. S., "No contractile obligations", Nature, 358, 713-714, (1992).

69. Lakes, R. S., "Design considerations for negative Poisson's ratio materials" ASME Journal of Mechanical Design , 115, 696-700, (1993).

70. Chen, C. P. and Lakes, R. S., "Analysis of high loss viscoelastic composites", J. Materials Science , 28, 4299-4304, (1993).

71. Chen, C. P. and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic behaviour of composite materials with conventional or negative Poisson's ratio foam as one phase", J. Materials Science , 28, 4288-4298, (1993).

72. Suliman, A. A., Boyer, D. B., and Lakes, R. S., "Cusp movement in premolars resulting from composite polymerization shrinkage", Dental Materials , 9, 6-10 (1993).

73. Lakes, R. S., "Advances in negative Poisson's ratio materials", Advanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany), 5, 293-296, (1993).

74. Lakes, R. S., "Strongly Cosserat elastic lattice and foam materials for enhanced toughness", Cellular Polymers , 12, 17-30 (1993).

75. Rosakis, P., Ruina, A., and Lakes, R. S., "Microbuckling instability in elastomeric cellular solids", J. Materials Science , 28, 4667-4672 (1993).

76. Lakes, R. S., "Materials with structural hierarchy",
Nature, 361, 511-515 (1993). Cover issue.

77. Lakes, R. S. and Elms, K., "Indentability of conventional and negative Poisson's ratio foams", J. Composite Materials, 27,1193-1202, (1993).

78. Gibiansky, L.V. and Lakes, R. S., "Bounds on the complex bulk modulus of a two-phase viscoelastic composite with arbitrary volume fractions of the components", Mechanics of Materials , 16, 317-331 (1993).

79. Chen, C. P. and Lakes, R. S., "Holographic study of non-affine deformation in copper foam with a negative Poisson's ratio -0.8", Scripta Metall et Mater. , 29, 395-399, (1993).

80. Suliman, A. A., Boyer, D. B., and Lakes, R. S., "Interferometric measurements of cusp deformation of teeth restored with composites", J. Dental Research , 72, 1532-1536, (1993).

81. Habib, K., Carmichael, G., Lakes, R. S., and Stwalley, W., "Technique for measuring stress corrosion cracking of metallic electrodes in aqueous solutions", Corrosion, 49, 354-362, (1993).

82. Papadogiannis, Y., Lakes, R. S., Petrou-Americanos, A., and Theothoridou-Pahini, S., "Temperature dependence of the dynamic viscoelastic behavior of chemically and light activated composite resins", Dental Materials , 9, 118-122, (1993).

83. Wadle, S., Wuest, D., Cantalupo, J., and Lakes, R. S., "Holographic diffusers", Optical Engineering , 33, 213-218, (1994).

84. Wadle, S. and Lakes, R. S., "Holographic diffusers: polarization effects", Optical Engineering , 33, 1084-1088, (1994).

85. Anderson, W. B., Chen, C. P., and Lakes, R. S., "Experimental study of size effects and surface damage of polymethacrylimide closed-cell foam", Cellular Polymers , 13, 1-15 (1994).

86. Chen, C. P., Anderson, W. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Relating the properties of foam to the properties of the solid from which it is made", Cellular Polymers , 13, 16-32, (1994).

87. Suliman, A. A., Boyer, D. B., and Lakes, R. S., "Polymerization shrinkage of composite resins: comparison with tooth deformation", J. Prosthetic Dentistry , 71, 7-12, (1994).

88. Anderson, W. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Size effects due to Cosserat elasticity and surface damage in closed-cell polymethacrylimide foam", Journal of Materials Science, 29, 6413-6419, (1994).

89. Choi, J. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Nonlinear analysis of the Poisson's ratio of negative Poisson's ratio foams", J. Composite Materials , 29, (1),113-128, (1995).

90. Cook, L. S. and Lakes, R. S., "Damping at high homologous temperature in pure Cd, In, Pb, and Sn", Scripta Metall et Mater. , 32, 773-777, (1995).

91. Choi, J. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Analysis of elastic modulus of conventional foams and of re-entrant foams with a negative Poisson's ratio", Int. J. of Mechanical Sciences , 37, 51-59 (1995).

92. Anderson, W. B., Lakes, R. S., and Smith, M. C., "Holographic evaluation of warp in the torsion of a bar of cellular solid", Cellular Polymers , 14, 1-13, (1995).

93. Nakamura, S. and Lakes, R. S., "Finite element analysis of Saint Venant end effects in micropolar elastic solids", Engineering Computations , 12, 571-587, (1995).

94. Wadle, S. and Lakes, R. S., "Holographic diffusers with low back-scatter", J. Modern Optics , 42, 1387-1396, (1995).

95. Brodt, M. and Lakes, R. S., "Composite materials which exhibit high stiffness and high viscoelastic damping", J. Composite Materials , 29, 1823-1833, (1995).

96. Cook, L. S. and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic spectra of Cd 0.67Mg0.33 in torsion and bending", Metallurgical Transactions , 26A, 2037-2039 (1995).

97. Lakes, R. S., "On the torsional properties of single osteons", J. Biomechanics , 28, 1409-1410, (1995).

98. Brodt, M., Cook, L. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Apparatus for measuring viscoelastic properties over ten decades: refinements", Review of Scientific Instruments , 66(11), 5292-5297 (1995).

99. Chen, C. P., and Lakes, R. S., "Analysis of the structure-property relations of foam materials", CellularPolymers , 14, 186-202, (1995).

100. Lakes, R. S., "Cellular solid structures with unbounded thermal expansion", Journal of Materials Science Letters, 15,475-477 (1996).

101. Miller, M., Lakes, R. S., and Conner, S., "Optical testing of hard disks", Optics and Laser Technology , 28, 151-156 (1996).

102. Chen, C. P., and Lakes, R. S., "Micromechanical analysis of dynamic behavior of conventional and negative Poisson's ratio foams", J. Engineering Materials and Technology , 118, 285-288 (1996).

103. Mathers, W., Littlefield, T., Lakes, R. S., Lane, J. A., and Daley, T. E., "Observation of the retina with the tandem scanning confocal microscope", Scanning, 18, 362-366 (1996).

104. Quackenbush, J., Brodt, M. and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic behavior over a wide range of time and frequency in tin alloys: SnCd and SnSb", Scripta Metall et Mater. , 35, 441-447, (1996).

105. Martz, E. O., Lee, T., Lakes, R. S., Goel, V. K. and Park, J. B. "Re-entrant transformation methods in closed cell foams", Cellular Polymers , 15, 229-249, (1996).

106. Lakes, R. S., "Dense solid microstructures with unbounded thermal expansion", J. Mechanical Behav. Mts. , 7, 85-92, (1996).

107. Lakes, R. S. and Quackenbush, J., "Viscoelastic behaviour in indium tin alloys over a wide range of frequency and time", Philosophical Magazine Letters , 74, 227-232 (1996).

108. Martz, E. O., Lakes, R. S., and Park, J. B. "Hysteresis behaviour and specific damping capacity of negative Poisson's ratio foams", Cellular Polymers, 15, 349-364, (1996).

109. Prall, D. and Lakes, R. S., "Properties of a chiral honeycomb with a Poisson's ratio of -1", Int.J. of Mechanical Sciences, 39, 305-314, (1997).

110. Choi, J. B. and Lakes, R. S., "Fracture toughness of re-entrant foam materials with a negative Poisson's ratio: experiment and analysis", Int. J. Fracture, 80, 73-83, (1996).

111. Brodt, M. and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic behaviour in indium alloys: InSn, InBi, InCd and InSnCd", Journal of Materials Science, 31, 6577-6581, (1996).

112. Magnusson M., Aleksiev A., Spratt K., Lakes R. S., Pope M. H., "Hyperextension and spine height changes", Spine, 21(22), 2670-2675, (1996).

113. Gibiansky, L. V. and Lakes, R. S., "Bounds on the complex bulk and shear moduli of a two-dimensional two-phase viscoelastic composite", Mechanics of Materials , 25, 79-95, (1997).

114. Lee, T. and Lakes, R. S., "Anisotropic polyurethane foam with Poisson's ratio greater than 1", Journal of Materials Science , 32, 2397-2401, (1997).

115. Amada, S. and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic properties of bamboo", Journal of Materials Science, 32, 2693-2697, (1997).

116. Cise, D. M. and Lakes, R. S. "Moisture ingression in honeycomb core sandwich panels", Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance , 6, 732-736, (1997).

117. Loureiro, M. A. and Lakes, R. S., "Scale-up of transformation of negative Poisson's ratio foam: Slabs, Cellular Polymers , 16, 349-363, (1997).

118. Lakes, R. S., "Thermoelastic damping in materials with a complex coefficient of thermal expansion", J. Mechanical Behav. Mts. , 8, 201-216, (1997).

119. Cise, D. M. and Lakes, R. S. "Moisture ingression in honeycomb core sandwich panels: Directional aspects", J. Composite Materials , 31, 2249-2263, (1997).

120. Lakes, R. S., "Experimental limits on the photon mass and cosmic magnetic vector potential", Physical Review Letters , 80, 1826-1829, (1998).

121. Boyer,D. B., Papadogiannis, Y., Park, H. C., and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelasticity and aging of dental composites", Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering , 8(1), 45-53, (1998).

122. Buechner, P.M., Stone, D. and Lakes, R. S, "Viscoelastic behavior of superplastic 37 wt% Pb 63 wt% Sn over a wide range of frequency and time", Scripta Materialia , 41, 561-567, (1999).

123. Lakes, R. S. and Vanderby, R., "Interrelation of creep and relaxation: a modeling approach for ligaments", J. Biomech. Engineering , 121, 612-615, Dec. (1999).

124. Edwards, L. K., Nixon, W. A., and Lakes, R. S., "Development of stress-strain curves for 80In15Pb5Ag", Journal of Electronic Materials , 28, 1084 - 1087 (1999).

125. Dooris, A., Lakes, R. S., Myers, B. and Stephens, N., "High damping indium-tin alloys", Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials , 3, 305-318 (1999).

126. Edwards, L. K., Nixon, W. A., and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic behavior of 80In15Pb5Ag and 50Sn50Pb alloys: experiment and modeling", J. Appl. Physics , 87(3), 1135-1140, (2000).

127. Garner, E., Lakes, R. S., Lee, T., Swan, C. and Brand, R., "Viscoelastic dissipation in compact bone: implications for stress-induced fluid flow in bone", J. Biomech. Engineering , 122, 166-172 (2000).

128. Lakes, R. S., "Lateral Deformations in Extreme Matter", perspective, Science, 288, 1976, June (2000).

129. Lee, T. Lakes, R. S., and Lal, A. "Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for measurement of mechanical damping: comparison with broadband viscoelastic spectroscopy", Review of Scientific Instruments, 71 (7) 2855-2861, July (2000).

130. Lakes, R. S. and Lowe, A. "Negative Poisson's ratio foam as seat cushion material", Cellular Polymers , 19, 157-167, July (2000).

131. Edwards, L. K., Nixon, W. A., and Lakes, R. S., "Development of a low-cycle fatigue life curve for 80In15Pb5Ag", J. Electronic Materials, 29, (9), 1084-1089, Sept. (2000).

132. Lee, T. and Lakes, R. S., "Damping properties of lead metaniobate", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control , 48, 48-52, Jan. (2001).

133. Lakes, R. S., "Extreme damping in compliant composites with a negative stiffness phase" Philosophical Magazine Letters , 81, 95-100 (2001).

134. Lakes, R. S., "Elastic and viscoelastic behaviour of chiral materials", Int. J. of Mechanical Sciences , 43, 1579-1589, June (2001).

135. Lakes, R. S., "Extreme damping in composite materials with a negative stiffness phase", Physical Review Letters , 86, 2897-2900, 26 March (2001).

136. Lakes, R. S., Lee, T., Bersie, A., and Wang, Y. C., "Extreme damping in composite materials with negative stiffness inclusions", Nature, 410, 565-567, 29 March (2001).

137. Buechner, P. M., Lakes, R. S., Swan, C., Brand, R. A., "A Broadband Viscoelastic Spectroscopic Study of Bovine Bone: Implications for Fluid Flow", Annals of Biomedical Engineering , 29, 719-728, August (2001).

138. Provenzano, P., Lakes, R. S., Keenan, T, Vanderby, R. Jr., "Non-linear ligament viscoelasticity", Annals of Biomedical Engineering , 29, 908-914, Nov. (2001).

139. Lakes, R. S., "A broader view of membranes", Nature, 414, 503-504, 29 Nov. (2001).

140. Wang, Y. C. and Lakes, R. S., "Extreme thermal expansion, piezoelectricity, and other coupled field properties in composites with a negative stiffness phase", Journal of Applied Physics , 90, 6458-6465, Dec. (2001).

141. Brandel, B. and Lakes, R. S., "Negative Poisson's ratio polyethylene foams", J. Materials Science , 36, 5885-5893, July (2001).

142. Wang, Y. C., Lakes, R. S., and Butenhoff, A., "Influence of cell size on re-entrant transformation of negative Poisson's ratio reticulated polyurethane foams", Cellular Polymers , 20, 373-385, (2001).

143. Lakes, R. S. and Drugan, W. J., "Dramatically stiffer elastic composite materials due to a negative stiffness phase?", J. Mechanics and Physics of Solids , 50, 979-1009 (2002).

144. Lakes, R. S., "High damping composite materials: effect of structural hierarchy", Journal of Composite Materials , 36, 287-298, Feb. (2002).

145. Lakes, R. S., Kose, S., and Bahia, H., "Analysis of high volume fraction irregular particulate damping composites", ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology , 124, 174-178, April (2002).

146. Provenzano, P., Heisey, D., Hayashi, K., Lakes, R. S., and Vanderby, R. Jr., "Subfailure damage in ligament: a structural and cellular evaluation", J. Applied Physiology , 92: 362-371, (2002).

147. Lakes, R. S. and Witt, R., "Making and characterizing negative Poisson's ratio materials", International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education , 30, 50-58, Jan. (2002).

148. Lakes, R. S. "High damping composite materials: effect of structural hierarchy", Journal of Composite Materials , 36, 287-298, Feb. (2002).

149. Provenzano, P., Lakes, R. S., Corr, D. T., and Vanderby, R. Jr., "Application of nonlinear viscoelastic models to describe ligament behavior", Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology , 1, 45-57, June (2002).

150. Eyre, D. J., Milton, G. W., and Lakes, R. S., "Bounds for interpolating complex effective moduli of viscoelastic materials from measured data", Rheol. Acta , 41, 461-470, August (2002).

151. Ludwigson, M. Swan, C. C. and Lakes, R. S. "Damping and stiffness of particulate SiC - InSn composite", Journal of Composite Materials , 36, 2245-2254, Oct. (2002).

152. Wang, Y. C. and Lakes, R. S., "Analytical parametric analysis of the contact problem of human buttocks and negative Poisson's ratio foam cushions", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 39,4825-4838 Oct. (2002).

153. Lee, T., Lakes, R. S., and Lal, A., "Investigation of bovine bone by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy and transmission ultrasound", Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology , 1 (2), 165-175 Oct. (2002).

154. Kim, H. J., Swan, C. C., and Lakes, R. S., "Computational studies on high stiffness, high damping SiC-InSn particulate reinforced composites", Int. J. Solids, Structures , 39, 5799-5812 Nov. (2002).

155. Stewart, K. Brand, R., Swan, C. C., and Lakes, R. S., "Micromechanically based poroelastic modeling of fluid flow in Haversian bone" Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 125, 25-37, Feb. (2003).

156. Wang, Y. C. and Lakes, R. S., "Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy in shear mode", Review of Scientific Instruments , 74, 1371-1373, Mar. (2003).

157. Buechner, P. M., and Lakes, R. S., "Size effects in the elasticity and viscoelasticity of bone", Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology , 1 (4), 295-301, (2003).

158. Manley E. Jr, Provenzano, P. P., Heisey D., Lakes R., Vanderby R. Jr., "Required test duration for group comparisons in ligament viscoelasticity: a statistical approach", Biorheology, 40(4): 441-50 Apr. (2003).

159. Papadogiannis, Y., Boyer, D. B., Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., Lakes, R. S., and Kapetanios, C., "Dynamic viscoelastic behavior of resin cements measured by torsion resonance", Dental Materials , 19, (6), 510-516, Sept. (2003).

160. McMillan, K. M., Lakes, R. S., Cooper, R. F., and Lee, T., "The viscoelastic behavior of β–In3Sn and the nature of the high-temperature background", J. Materials Science , 38, 2747-2754, Aug. (2003).

161. Oza, A., Lakes, R. S. and Vanderby, R., "Interrelation of creep and relaxation for nonlinearly viscoelastic materials: application to ligament and metal" Rheologica Acta , 42, 557-568, Dec. (2003).

162. Wang, Y. C. and Lakes, R. S., "Extreme stiffness systems due to negative stiffness elements", American J. of Physics, 72, 40-50, Jan. (2004).

163. Wang, Y. C., Ludwigson, M., and Lakes, R. S., "Deformation of extreme viscoelastic metals and composites", Materials Science and Engineering A, 370, 41-49, April (2004).

164. Hingorani, R., Provenzano, P., P., Lakes, R. S., Escarcega, A., Vanderby, R. Jr., "Nonlinear viscoelasticity in rabbit medial collateral ligament", Annals of Biomedical Engineering , 32, 306-312, Feb. (2004).

165. Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic measurement techniques", Review of Scientific Instruments , 75, 797-810, April (2004).

166. Wang, Y. C. and Lakes, R. S., "Stability of negative stiffness viscoelastic systems", Quarterly of Applied Math., 63, 34-55, March (2005).

167. Jaglinski, T. and Lakes, R. S., "Creep Behavior of Al-Si Die-Cast Alloys", Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology , 126, 378-382, Oct. (2004).

168. Papadogiannis, Y., Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., and Lakes, R. S., "Dynamic mechanical analysis of viscoelastic functions in packable composite resins measured by torsional resonance", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials , 71B, 327-335 Nov. (2004).

169. Wang, Y. C. and Lakes, R. S., "Stable extremely-high-damping discrete viscoelastic systems due to negative stiffness elements", Applied Physics Letters , 84, 4451-4453 (2004).

170. Lakes, R. S., "Experimental test of magnetic photons", Physics Letters A, 329 (4-5), 298-300 July (2004).

171. Wang, Y. C. and Lakes, R. S., "Negative stiffness induced extreme viscoelastic mechanical properties: stability and dynamics", Philosophical Magazine, 84, 3785-3801, Dec. (2004).

172. Gururaja, S., Kim, H. J., Swan, C. C., Brand, R. A., and Lakes, R. S. "Modeling deformation-induced fluid flow in cortical bone's canalicular-lacunar system", Annals of Biomedical Engineering , 33, 7-25, Jan. (2005).

173. Wang, Y. C. and Lakes, R. S., "Composites with inclusions of negative bulk modulus: extreme damping and negative Poisson's ratio", J. Composite Materials, 39, 1645-1657, (2005).

174. Oza, A., Lakes, R. S. and Vanderby, R., "Application of non-linear superposition to creep and relaxation of commercial die-casting aluminum alloys", Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials 8, 385 - 402, Dec. (2004).

175. Jaglinski, T. and Lakes, R. S., "Anelastic instability in composites with negative stiffness inclusions", Philosophical Magazine Letters , 84, (12) 803 - 810, Dec. (2004).

176. Oza, A., Mccabe, R. Vanderby, R. and Lakes, R. S., "Logarithmic pulse generator for long-term creep and relaxation testing ", Rev. Sci. Instr. 76, 056102, 1-3, April (2005).

177. Martz, E. O., Lakes, R. S., Goel, V. K. and Park, J. B., "Design of an artificial intervertebral disc exhibiting a negative Poisson's ratio", Cellular Polymers , 24, 127-138, June (2005).

178. Jaglinski, T. Stone, D., and Lakes, R. S., "Internal friction study of a composite with a negative stiffness constituent", J. Mater. Research 20 (9), 2523-2533, Sept. (2005).

179. Cramer, S. M.,, Kretschmann, D. E., Lakes, R. S., and Schmidt, T. W. "Earlywood and latewood elastic properties in loblolly pine", Holzforschung, 59, 531-538 (2005).

180. Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., Papadogiannis, Y., Lakes, R. S., Dionysopoulos, P., Papadogiannis, D., "Dynamic and static elastic moduli of packable and flowable composite resins and their development after initial photo curing", Dental Materials, 22, 450-459, Apr. (2006).

181. Jaglinski, T., Frascone , P., Moore, B., Stone, D., and Lakes, R. S., "Internal friction due to negative stiffness in the indium-thallium martensitic phase transformation", Philosophical Magazine, 86, (27 / 21) 4285 - 4303, September (2006).

182. Oza, A., Vanderby, R. and Lakes, R. S., "Generalized solution for predicting relaxation from creep: application to ligament" International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 48, (6) 662-673 June (2006).

183. Wang, Y. C., Swadener, J. G., Lakes, R. S., "Two-dimensional viscoelastic discrete triangular system with negative-stiffness components", Philosophical Magazine Letters 86, 99 - 112, Feb. (2006).

184. Singh, A., Gunasekaran, S. and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic characterization of selected foods over an extended frequency range", Rheologica Acta, 46, 131-142, Oct. (2006).

185. Lakes, R. S. and Wineman, A., "On Poisson's ratio in linearly viscoelastic solids", Journal of Elasticity, 85, 45-63, (2006).

186. Moore, B., Jaglinski, T., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Negative incremental bulk modulus in foams", Philosophical Magazine Letters, 86, 651-659, Oct. (2006).

187. Jaglinski, T., Nimityongskul, A., Schmitz, R., Lakes, R. S, "Study of bolt load loss in bolted aluminum joints", ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 129, 48-54, Jan. (2007).

188. Wang, Y. C., Swadener, J. G., Lakes, R. S., "Anomalies in stiffness and damping of a 2D discrete viscoelastic system due to negative stiffness components", Thin Solid Films, 515, 3171-3178, Feb. (2007).

189. Papadogiannis, Y., Lakes, R. S., Palaghias, G., Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., Papadogiannis, D., "Fatigue of packable dental composites", Dental Materials, 23, 235-242, (2007).

190. Papadogiannis, Y., Lakes, R. S., Palaghias, G., Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., Papadogiannis, D., "The effect of temperature on viscoelastic properties of glass ionomer cements and compomers", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials, 80B, 460-467, Feb. (2007).

191. Shang, X. and Lakes, R. S., "Stability of elastic material with negative stiffness and negative Poisson's ratio", Physica Status Solidi (b), 244, 1008-1026 Feb. (2007). Editor's choice.

192. Jaglinski, T., Stone, D. S., Kochmann, D, and Lakes, R. S., "Materials with viscoelastic stiffness greater than diamond", Science, 315, 620-622, Feb. 2 (2007).

193. Moore, B., Jaglinski, T., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "On the bulk modulus of open cell foams", Cellular Polymers, 26, 1-10, March (2007).

194. Carpick, R., Yap, H, Lakes, R. S., "Mechanical Instabilities of Individual Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes under Cyclic Axial Compression", Nano Letters, 7(5); 1149-1154 (2007).

195. Lakes, R. S., "Solids with tunable positive or negative thermal expansion of unbounded magnitude", Applied Phys. Lett. 90, 221905 (2007).

196. Papadogiannis, Y., Lakes, R. S., Palaghias, G., Helvatjoglou-Antoniades M., Papadogiannis, D., "The effect of temperature on the viscoelastic properties of nano-hybrid composites", Dental Materials, 24 257-266, Jan. (2008).

197. Yap, H, Lakes, R. S., Carpick, R., "Negative stiffness and enhanced damping of individual multiwalled nanotubes", Phys. Rev. B, 77, 045423 (2008).

198. Lakes, R., Wojciechowski, K. W., "Negative compressibility, negative Poisson's ratio, and stability", Physica Status Solidi, 245, No. 3, 545-551, Feb 4 (2008).

199. Calcagno, B., Lopez Garcia, M.d.C., Kuhns, M., Lakes, R. S., "On the nonlinear creep and recovery of open cell earplug foams", Cellular Polymers, 27 (8) 165-178, (2008).

200. Capodagli, J. and Lakes, R. S., "Isothermal viscoelastic properties of PMMA and LDPE over eleven decades of frequency and time: a test of time- temperature superposition", Rheologica Acta, 47, 777-786, September (2008).

201. Cao, G., Choi, H., Konishi, H., Kou, S., Lakes, R. and Li, X., "Mg-6Zn/1.5%SiC nanocomposites fabricated by ultrasonic cavitation-based solidification processing", Journal of Materials Science, 43, 5521-5526, (2008).

202. Dong, L., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Broadband viscoelastic spectroscopy measurement of mechanical loss and modulus of polycrystalline BaTiO3 vs. temperature and frequency", Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 245, 2422-2432, Nov. (2008).

203. Eakasit, S. Gunasekaran, S., Lakes, R. S., "Broadband viscoelastic spectroscopy: A new technique for characterizing rheological behavior of solid foods", International Journal of Food Properties, 12: 102-113, (2009).

204. Duenwald, S. E., Vanderby, Jr., R., Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic Relaxation and Recovery of Tendon", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 37, No. 6, 1131-1140, June (2009).

205. Duenwald, S. E., Vanderby, Jr., R., Lakes, R. S., "Constitutive equations for ligament and other soft tissue: evaluation by experiment", Acta Mechanica, 205: 23-33 (2009)

206. Burgers, T. A., Lakes, R. S., Sylvana Garcia-Rodriguez, S., Piller, G. R., Ploeg, H., "Post-Yield Relaxation Behavior of Bovine Cancellous Bone", Journal of Biomechanics, 42, 2728-2733, (2009).

207. Dandrea, J. and Lakes, R. S., "Creep and Creep Recovery of Cast Aluminum Alloys", Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 13, 303-315, Nov. (2009)

208. Papadogianis, D., Lakes, R. S., Palaghias, G., and Papadogianis, Y., "Creep and dynamic viscoelastic behavior of endodontic fiber-reinforced composite posts", J. Prosth. Dent., 53 185-192, (2009).

209. De Cicco, M., Konishi, H., Cao, G., Choi, H., Turng, L. S., Perepezko, J. H., Kuo, S., Lakes, R. S., and Li, X., "Strong, Ductile Magnesium-Zinc Nanocomposites", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 40, (12), 1073-5623 (Print) 1543-1940 (Online) Dec. (2009).

210. Dong, L. Stone, D. S., Lakes, R. S., "Softening of bulk modulus and negative Poisson's ratio in barium titanate ceramic near the Curie point", Philos. Mag. Lett. 90, 23-33, Jan. (2010).

211. Dong, L., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Sharp low frequency dissipative effects in tetragonal BaTiO3 ceramics," J. Appl. Physics 107, 023514 (2010).

212. Duenwald, S.E., Vanderby, R., Lakes, R.S. "Stress relaxation and recovery in tendon and ligament: Experiment and modeling." Biorheology 47(1): 1-14 (2010).

213. Dong, L., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Anelastic anomalies and negative Poisson's ratio in tetragonal BaTiO3 ceramics", Appl. Physics Letters, 96, 141904 (2010).

214. Nimityongskul, S., Jones, M., Choi, H., Lakes, R., Kou, S., and Li, X., Grain refining mechanisms in MgAl alloys with Al4C3 microparticles, Materials Science and Engineering: A , 527(7-8), 2104-11, (2010).

215. Calcagno, B., Osswald, T., Lakes, R. S., Crone, W. C. "Comparison of viscoplastic properties of polycarbonate, polypropylene, and high density polyethylene", Journal of Plastics Technology, (Zeitschrift Kunststofftechnik) 6(5), 229-254 (2010).

216. Dong, L., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic and dielectric properties of 3% KNbO3 - BaTiO3 ceramics", Physica Status Solidi, 248 (1), 158-166 (2011).

217. Duenwald, S., Kobayashi, H., Frisch, K., Lakes, R., Vanderby. R., "Ultrasound echo is related to stress and strain in tendon", Journal of Biomechanics, 44, (3), 424-429, 3 February (2011).

218. Dong, L., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Giant anelastic responses in (BaZrO3-ZnO)-BaTiO3 composite materials", EPL, 93 66003 (2011).

219. Jaglinski, T. and Lakes, R. S., "Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy of cylinders over the full range of Poisson's ratio" Rev. Sci. Instr. 82, 035105 (2011).

220. Dong, L., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Dielectric and viscoelastic properties of KNbO3 doped BaTiO3", J. Appl. Phys., 109, 063531 (2011).

221. Dong, L., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Viscoelastic sigmoid anomalies in BaZrO3-BaTiO3 near phase transformations due to negative stiffness heterogeneity", JMR Journal of Materials Research, 26(11), 1446-1452 (2011).

222. Dong, L., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Extreme anelastic responses in Zn80Al20 matrix composite materials containing BaTiO3 inclusion", Scripta Materialia, 65, (4), 288-291, August (2011).

223. Greaves, G. N., Greer, A. L., Lakes, R. S., and Rouxel, T., "Poisson's Ratio and Modern Materials", Nature Materials, 10, 823-837 Nov. (2011).

224. Dong, L. and Lakes, R. S., "Frequency dependence of Poisson's ratio of viscoelastic elastomer foam", Cellular Polymers, 30, 277-285, Dec. (2011).

225. Frisch, K. E., Duenwald-Kuehl, S. E., Kobayashi, H., Chamberlain, C. S., Lakes, R. S., Vanderby Jr., R., "Quantification of collagen organization using fractal dimensions and Fourier transforms" , Acta Histochemica, 114, 140-144 (2012).

226. Delgadillo, R., Bahia, H. U., Lakes, R., "A nonlinear constitutive relationship for asphalt binders", Materials and Structures 45, 457-473 (2012).

227. Jakes, J. E., Lakes, R.S., Stone, D., "Broadband nanoindentation of glassy polymers I: Viscoelasticity", Journal of Materials Research, 27 (2), 463-474 Jan. (2012).

228. Jakes, J. E., Lakes, R.S., Stone, D., "Broadband nanoindentation of glassy polymers II: Viscoplasticity", Journal of Materials Research, 27 (2), 475-484 Jan. (2012).

229. Dong, L., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Enhanced dielectric and piezoelectric properties of ZrO3- (1 - x)BaTiO3 ceramics", J. Appl. Physics, 111, 084107 April (2012).

230. Jaglinski, T. M. and Lakes, R. S., "Zn-Al based metal matrix composites with high stiffness and high viscoelastic damping" Journal of Composite Materials, 46: 755-763, April (2012)

231. Duenwald-Kuehl, S. E., Lakes, R. S., Vanderby Jr., R., "Strain-induced Damage Reduces Echo Intensity Changes in Tendon during Loading", Journal of Biomechanics, 45, 1607-1611, May (2012).

232. Lakes, R. S., "Stable singular or negative stiffness systems in the presence of energy flux", Philosophical Magazine Letters, 92, 226-234, (2012).

233. Lakes, R. S., "Giant enhancement in effective piezoelectric sensitivity by pyroelectric coupling, EPL (Europhysics Letters), 98, 47001 May (2012).

234. Dong, L., Stone, D. S., and Lakes, R. S., "Advanced damper with negative structural stiffness constituents", Smart Materials and Structures, 21 07502 (2012).

235. Lehman, J. and Lakes, R. S., "Stiff lattices with zero thermal expansion", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 23 (11) 1263-1268 July (2012)

236. Duenwald-Kuehl, S. E., Kondratko, J., Lakes, R. S., Vanderby Jr., R., "Damage Mechanics of Porcine Flexor Tendon: Mechanical Evaluation and Modeling", Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 40 (8), 1692-1707, August (2012).

237. Li, D., Dong, L., and Lakes, R. S., "Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy of cubes over the full range of Poisson's ratio", Rev. Sci. Instr. 83, 113902 (2012).

238. Li, D., Jaglinski, T. M., Stone, D. S. and Lakes, R. S., "Temperature insensitive negative Poisson's ratios in isotropic alloys near a morphotropic phase boundary", Appl. Phys. Lett, 101, 251903, Dec. (2012).

239. Duenwald-Kuehl, S. E., Kobayashi, H., Lakes, R. S., Vanderby Jr., R., "Time-dependent ultrasound echo changes occur in tendon during viscoelastic testing", Journal of Biomech. Engineering, 134, 111006-1 - 8, Nov. (2012).

240. Papadogiannis, D., Lakes, R. S., G. Palaghias, Papadogiannis, Y., "Effect of storage time on the viscoelastic properties of elastomeric impression materials", Journal of Prosthodontic Research, 56 (1), 11-18, Jan. (2012).

241. Kondratko J, Duenwald-Kuehl SE, Lakes RS, Vanderby R. "Mechanical compromise of partially lacerated flexor tendons". J. Biomech Eng. 135 (1) 011001, p. 1-8 Jan. (2013).

242. LaCroix A. S., Duenwald-Kuehl S.E., Brickson S., Akins T.L., Diffee G., Aken J., Vanderby R., Lakes, R. S., "Effect of age and exercise on the viscoelastic properties of rat tail tendon", Annals of biomedical engineering 243, 41, (6), 1120-1128 (2013).

243. Papadogiannis, D., Lakes, R.S., Papadogiannis, Y., Tolidis, K. , "Mechanical viscoelastic behavior of dental adhesives", Dental Materials, 29, 693-701 (2013).

244. Lehman, J. J. and Lakes, R. S. "Stiff, Strong Zero Thermal Expansion Lattices via the Poisson Effect", Journal of Materials Research, 29, 2499-2508, September (2013).

245. Kalathur, H., Lakes, R. S., Column dampers with negative stiffness: high damping at small amplitude, Smart Materials and Structures, 22, 084013 (8pp) (2013).

246. Lehman, J. J. and Lakes, R. S. "Stiff lattices with zero thermal expansion and enhanced stiffness via rib cross section optimization", International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 9, (3), 213-225 September (2013).

247. Dong, L. and Lakes, R. S., "Advanced damper with high stiffness and high hysteresis damping based on negative structural stiffness", Int. J. Solids Struct., 50, 2413-2423 (2013).

248. Li, D., Dong, L., and Lakes, R. S., "The properties of copper foams with negative Poisson's ratio via resonant ultrasound spectroscopy", Physica Status Solidi (b), 250(10), 1983-1987 (2013).

249. LaCroix AS, Duenwald-Kuehl SE, Lakes RS, Vanderby R. "Relationship between tendon stiffness and failure: A meta-analysis". J Appl Physiology 115(1): 43-51 July 1 (2013).

250. Wang, Z., Lakes, R. S., Eickhoff , J. C. , Chesler, N. C., "Effects of collagen deposition on passive and active mechanical properties of large pulmonary arteries in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension", Biomech Model Mechanobiol 12 (6)1115-1125, November (2013).

251. Kalathur, H., T. Hoang, R. S. Lakes, W. J. Drugan, "Buckling Mode Jump at Very Close Load Values in Unattached Flat-End Columns: Theory and Experiment", J. Appl. Mech. 81(4), 041010 Sept. (2013).

252. Lehman, J. and Lakes, R. S. "Stiff, Strong, Zero Thermal Expansion Lattices via Material Hierarchy", Composite Structures, 107, 654-663 (2014).

253. Wang, Z., Lakes, R. S., Golob, M., Eickhoff , J. C. , Chesler, N. C., "Changes in Large Pulmonary Arterial Viscoelasticity in Chronic Pulmonary Hypertension" PLOS ONE , 8, (11) | e78569, Nov. (2013).

254. Lakes, R. S., "Piezoelectric composite lattices with high sensitivity ", Philosophical Magazine Letters 94, (1), 37-44 (2014).

255. Rodriguez, B., Kalathur, H. and Lakes, R. S., "A sensitive piezoelectric composite lattice: experiment", Physica Status Solidi, 251(2) 349-353 (2014).

256. M. Pensalfini, S. Duenwald-Kuehl, J. Kondratko-Mittnacht, R. Lakes, R. Vanderby, "Evaluation of Global Load Sharing and Shear-Lag Models to Describe Mechanical Behavior in Partially Lacerated Tendons", J. Biomech. Eng., 136(9):091006-091006-12 (2014).

257. D. Li, L. Dong and Lakes, R. S., "The resonant ultrasound spectroscopy method for determining the Poisson's ratio of spheres over the full range", Materials Letters, 143 31-34 (2015).

258. Kondratko-Mittnacht, J., Duenwald-Kuehl, S., Lakes, R. S., R. Vanderby Jr. "Shear load transfer in high and low stress tendons", Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 45, 109-120 May (2015).

259. Faust, D. and Lakes, R. S., "Temperature and Substrate Dependence of Piezoelectric Sensitivity for PVDF films", Ferroelectrics, 481(1), 1-9, Sept. (2015).

260. Ha, C. S., Hestekin, E. , Li, J., Plesha, M. E., Lakes, R. S., "Controllable thermal expansion of large magnitude in chiral negative Poisson's ratio lattices", Physica Status Solidi B, 252(7), 1431-1434 (2015).

261. Balch, S. and Lakes, R. S., "High vibration damping in in situ In-Zn composites", Functional Materials Letters, 8, (5) 1550059 (4 pages) (2015).

262. Lakes, R. S. and Drugan, W. J., "Bending of a Cosserat elastic bar of square cross section - theory and experiment", Journal of Applied Mechanics, 82(9), 091002 (2015). (8 pages)

263. Lakes, R. S., "Third-rank piezoelectricity in isotropic chiral solids", Appl. Phys. Lett., 106, 212905, May (2015).

264. Kondratko-Mittnacht, J., Duenwald-Kuehl, S., Lakes, R. S., R. Vanderby Jr., Shear Loads Induce Cellular Damage in Tendon Fascicles, Journal of Biomechanics, 48, 3299-3305 (2015).

265. Faust, D. and Lakes, R. S., "Reciprocity failure in piezoelectric polymer composite", Physica Scripta, 90 085807 (2015).

266. Ha, C. S., Plesha, M. E., Lakes, R. S., "Chiral three dimensional lattices with tunable Poisson's ratio", Smart Materials and Structures, 25, 054005 (6pp) (2016).

267. Rueger, Z. and Lakes, R. S., "Cosserat elasticity of negative Poisson's ratio foam: experiment", Smart Materials and Structures, 25 054004 (8pp) (2016).

268. Rueger, Z. and Lakes, R. S., "Experimental Cosserat elasticity in open cell polymer foam", Philosophical Magazine, 96 (2), 93-111, January (2016).

269. Li, D. Dong, L., Lakes R. S., "A unit cell structure with tunable Poisson's ratio from positive to negative", Materials Letters, 164, 456-459 (2016).

270. Li, D. Ma, J., Dong, L., and Lakes, R. S., "A bi material structure with Poisson's ratio tunable from positive to negative via temperature control" Materials Letters, 181, 285-288 15 October (2016).

271. Kalathur, H. and Lakes, R. S., "Enhancement in piezoelectric sensitivity via negative structural stiffness" Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 27(18) 2568-2573 (2016).

272. Lakes, R. S., "Physical meaning of elastic constants in Cosserat, void, and microstretch elasticity", Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 11 (3), 217-229 (2016).

273. Balch, S. and Lakes, R. S., "The effects of composition, temperature and annealing on the rheological properties of InZn in situ composites", Rheologica Acta, 55, (4), 335-341 (2016).

274. Lakes, R. S., "Reduced warp in torsion of reticulated foam due to Cosserat elasticity: experiment", Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), 67(3), 1-6 (2016).

275. Ha, C. S., Plesha, M. E., Lakes, R. S., "Chiral three-dimensional isotropic lattices with negative Poisson's ratio", Physica Status Solidi B, 253, (7), 1243-1251 (2016).

276. Li, D. Dong, L., Yin, J. and Lakes, R. S., "Negative Poisson's ratio in 2D Voronoi cellular solids by biaxial compression: a numerical study", Journal of Materials Science, 51,7029-7037 (2016).

277. Lakes, R. S., "Static and dynamic effects of chirality in dielectric media", Modern Physics Letters B, 30 (24) 1650319 (9 pages) (2016).

278. Balch, S. and Lakes, R. S., "Amelioration of waves and micro-vibrations by micro-buckling in open celled foam", Cellular Polymers, 36, 1-11, Feb. (2017).

279. Li, D. Dong, L., Yin, J., Dong, L. and Lakes, R. S., "Numerical analysis on mechanical behaviors of hierarchical cellular structures with negative Poisson's ratio", Smart Materials and Structures, 26 (2017) 025014 (7pp)

280. Li, D., Ma, J., Dong, L. Lakes, R. S., "Stiff square structure with a negative Poisson's ratio", Materials Letters, 188, 149-151 1 February (2017).

281. Balch, S. and Lakes, R. S., "Lumped negative stiffness damper for absorption of flexural waves in a rod", Smart Materials and Structures, 26 045022 (6pp) (2017)

282. Ha, C. S., Plesha, M. E., Lakes, R. S., "Simulations of thermoelastic triangular cell lattices with bonded joints by finite element analysis", Extreme Mechanics Letters, 12, 101-107 (2017).

283. Rueger, Z. and Lakes, R. S., "Strong Cosserat elastic effects in a unidirectional composite", Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 68: 54, 9 pages, (2017)

284. Lakes, R. S., "Negative-Poisson's-Ratio Materials: Auxetic Solids", Annual Review of Materials Research, 47: 63-81 July (2017)

285. Li, D., Ma, J., Dong, L. Lakes, R. S., "Three-dimensional stiff cellular structures with negative Poisson's ratio" Physica Status Solidi B. 1600785, 5 pages (2017).

286. Rueger, Z., Li, D., Lakes, R. S., "Observation of Cosserat elastic effects in a tetragonal negative Poisson's ratio lattice", Physica Status Solidi B, 1600840, 6 pages, Oct. (2017).

287. Buchanan, K., Lakes, R.. S., Vanderby, R., "Chiral behavior in rat tail tendon fascicles", Journal of Biomechanics, 64, 206-211 7 Nov. (2017).

288. Li, D., Yin, J., Dong, L. Lakes, R. S., "Strong re-entrant cellular structures with negative Poisson's ratio", J. Materials Science, 53, (5), 3493-3499 March (2018).

289. Ha, C. S., Plesha, M. E., Lakes, R. S., "Design, Fabrication, and Analysis of Lattice Exhibiting Energy Absorption via Snap-through Behavior", Materials and Design, 254, 426-437 (2018).

290. Drugan, W. J. and Lakes, R. S., "Torsion of a Cosserat elastic bar with square cross section: theory and experiment", Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), 69(2), 24 pages (2018).

291. Rueger, Z. and Lakes, R. S., "Strong Cosserat elasticity in a transversely isotropic polymer lattice", Physical Review Letters, 120, 065501 Feb. (2018).

292. Lakes, R. S., "Stability of Cosserat solids: size effects, ellipticity and waves", Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures (JoMMS), 13 (1) 83-91 (2018).

293. Andrade, C., Ha, C. S., Lakes, R. S., "Extreme Cosserat elastic cube structure with large magnitude of negative Poisson's ratio", Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures (JoMMS), 13 (1) 93-101 (2018).

294. Wenjiao, Z. , Neville, R., Dayi, Z., Scarpa, F., Lifeng, W., Lakes, R. S., "The two-dimensional elasticity of a chiral hinge lattice metamaterial", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 141-142, 254-263, 1 June (2018).

295. Benjamin, C., Lakes, R. S., Crone, W. C., "Measurement of the stiffening parameter for stimuli-responsive hydrogels", Acta Mechanica, 229, (9) 3715-3725 (2018).

296. Benjamin, C., Lakes, R. S., Crone, W. C., "Viscoelastic Characterization of pH-sensitive 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (2-dimethylamino) ethyl methacrylate HEMA-DMAEMA Hydrogels", Polymer Testing, 72, 372-376 (2018).

297. Rueger, Z., Ha, C. S. and Lakes, R. S., "Flexible cube tilt lattice with anisotropic Cosserat effects and negative Poisson's ratio" Physica Status Solidi B, 256, 1800512 (2019).

298. Rueger, Z. and Lakes, R. S., "Experimental study of elastic constants of a dense foam with weak Cosserat coupling", J. Elasticity, 137(1), 101-115, (2019).

299. J. Quintana, A. Redmann, G. A. M. Capote, A. P. Irizarry, A. Bechara, T. Osswald, R. S. Lakes, "Viscoelastic Properties of Fused Filament Fabrication Parts", Additive Manufacturing, 28, 704-710, August (2019).

300. D. Reasa and R. S. Lakes, "Cosserat effects in achiral and chiral cubic lattices", Journal of Applied Mechanics (JAM), 86, 111009-1, 6 pages Nov. (2019).

301. C. S. Ha, R. S. Lakes, M. E. Plesha, "Cubic negative stiffness lattice structure for energy absorption: numerical and experimental studies", International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 178-179, P. 127-135, 1 December (2019),

302. Z. Rueger, C. S. Ha and R. S. Lakes, "Cosserat elastic lattices", Meccanica, 54(13), 1983-1999, (2019).

303. Arzola-Villegas, X., Lakes, R. S., Plaza, N. Z., Jakes, J. E., "Wood moisture-induced swelling at the cellular scale- ab intra", Forests, 10(11), 996, (2019).

304. Ha, C. S., Lakes, R. S., Plesha, M. E., "Observation of squeeze twist coupling in a chiral three-dimensional isotropic lattice" Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics. 257, (10), 1900140, October (2020).

305. Q. Zhang, W. Lu, F. Scarpa, D. Barton, R. S. Lakes, Y. Zhu, Z. Lang, H. X. Peng, "Large stiffness thermoformed open cell foams with auxeticity", Applied Materials Today, Volume 20, 100775 September (2020).

306. D. Reasa and R. S. Lakes, "Chiral elasticity of the gyroid lattice", Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 205502, 13 November (2020).

307. R. S. Lakes, "Softening of Cosserat sensitivity in a foam: warp effects", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 192, 106125, 15 February (2021).

308. R. S. Lakes, "The corner element in classical elasticity and Cosserat elasticity", Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures (JOMMS), 16 (2) 225-235 (2021).

309. R. S. Lakes, "Experimental tests of rotation sensitivity in Cosserat elasticity and in gravitation", Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 72, 131, May (2021).

310. T. DeValk and R. S. Lakes, "Poisson's ratio and modulus of the gyroid lattice", Physica Status Solidi B 258 (12) 2100081 (2021).

311. R. S. Lakes, "Extreme Cosserat elastic hinged lattices with Sarrus links", Extreme Mechanics Letters 49, 101517, November (2021).

312. R. S. Lakes, "Extremal hinged lattices do not obey the theory of elasticity", Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 73:27 (2022).

313. Goyal, K. Rueger, Z., and Lakes, R. S., "Cosserat elasticity in the octet lattice" Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures (JoMMS) 16 (5) 645-654 (2021).
Published: 7 August 2022.

314. K. Goyal, Z. Rueger, E. Davis, R. S. Lakes, "Viscoelastic damping and wave cut off of titanium alloy and lattices" Advanced Engineering Materials, 24, (11), 2200491, November (2022).

315. R. S. Lakes, "Cosserat shape effects in the bending of foams" Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, accepted 6.1.22. Volume 30, Issue 19 Pages 3997-4001 (2023).

316. R. S. Lakes, B. Huey, and K. Goyal,"Extended Poisson's ratio range in chiral isotropic elastic materials", Physica Status Solidi B 259, 12, 2200336 (2022).

317. T. DeValk, J. Hestetune, R. S. Lakes,"Nonclassical thermal twist of the chiral gyroid lattice", Physica Status Solidi B, 259, 12, 2200338 (2022).

318. R. S. Lakes, "Experimental evaluation of micromorphic elastic constants in foams and lattices", Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), 74, Article number: 31 (2023).

319. W. Zhang, R. Neville, D. Zhang, J. Yuan, F. Scarpa, R. Lakes, "Bending of kerf chiral fractal lattice metamaterials", Composite Structures, Volume 318, 117068, 15 August (2023).

320. R. S. Lakes, "Nonclassical Cosserat bending deformation of foams via holographic interferometry", Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), 74, 153, 3 July (2023).

321. X.Arzola-Villegas, C. Baez, R. Lakes, D. S. Stone, J. O'Dell, P. Shevchenko, X. Xiao, F. De Carlo, J. E. Jakes, "Convolutional Neural Network for Segmenting Micro-X-ray Computed Tomography Images of Wood Cellular Structures", Applied Sciences, 13(14), 8146, (2023).,

322. R. S. Lakes and B. Huey, "Poisson's ratio beyond the classically allowable range in chiral isotropic elastic materials: effect of kappa and experiment", physica status solidi (b), 2300411 First published: 14 November (2023). Volume 261, Issue 12, 2300411, December (2024).
Available from journal.

323. Y. Wang, D. Stone, R. S. Lakes, "Poisson's ratio of convex and re-entrant cubic lattices based on tetrakaidecahedron cells", physica status solidi (b), First published: 07 December (2023). Volume 261, Issue12 December (2024).

324. Q. Zhang, X. Yu, Y. Xia, D. Zhang, R. Lakes, K. Wojciechowski and F. Scarpa, The shear performance of uniaxially thermoformed auxetic polymer foams, Composites Part B, 286, 111791 (2024).
Journal link:

325. Y. Wang, D. Stone, R. S. Lakes, "Cosserat sigmoid bulge effects in the bending of a lattice of tetrakaidecahedron cells", Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) 75: 239, (2024).
doi link

---. R. S. Lakes, "Poisson's ratio beyond the classically allowable range in chiral isotropic elastic materials: effect of kappa and experiment", Physica Status Solidi B Volume 261, Issue 12, 2300411 December (2024).
doi link

---. R. S. Lakes, "Anticlastic curvature and material freedom", physica status solidi (b), accepted, (2025). DOI: 10.1002/pssb.202500039

---. R. S. Lakes, "Materials that exceed classical thermodynamic bounds on properties", accepted, (2025).


Other Publications

1. Scholz, D. B., Dost, E. F., Flynn, B. W., Ilcewicz, L. B., Nelson, K. M., Sawicki, A. J., Walker, T. H., and Lakes, R. S., Advanced Technology Composite Fuselage - Materials and Processes , NASA Contractor Report 4731, NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, Linthicum Heights, MD, April, (1997).

2. Lakes, R. S. and Vanderby, R., "Interrelation of creep and relaxation: a modeling approach to ligaments", Rheology Research Center Report 157, University of Wisconsin, January, (1999).

3. Buechner, P. M., Stone, D. and Lakes, R. S. "Viscoelastic behavior of superplastic eutectic Pb Sn over eleven decades of frequency and time", Rheology Research Center Report 158, University of Wisconsin, Feb. (1999).

4. Lee, T. Lakes, R. S., and Lal, A. "Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for measurement of mechanical damping: comparison with broadband viscoelastic spectroscopy", Rheology Research Center Report 168, University of Wisconsin, April (2000).

5. Lakes, R. S., Lee, T., Bersie, A., and Wang, Y. C., "Extreme positive viscoelastic behavior in composites with negative stiffness phases", Rheology Research Center Report 169, University of Wisconsin, April (2001).

6. Lakes, R. S., "Piezoelectric lattices with high sensitivity and high damping", Rheology Research Center Report 208, University of Wisconsin, July (2013).

Conferences, invited lectures

Google Scholar profile

Rod Lakes, University of Wisconsin