Bone exhibits size effects consistent with Cosserat elasticity.
Bone exhibits a reduced concentration of strain consistent with Cosserat elasticity.
Dense closed cell foams exhibit size effects consistent with Cosserat elasticity. The coupling number is relatively small. The size effects are modest in magnitude, a factor 1.4 or less.
Dense closed cell foams exhibit redistribution of strain consistent with Cosserat elasticity.
Designed lattices exhibit strong size effects, more than a factor of 35, consistent with Cosserat elasticity.
Open cell foams, both of conventional structure and negative Poisson's ratio, exhibit Cosserat elastic effects: size effects and redistribution of deformation. Warp of cross sections in torsion is reduced below classical predictions in foams, so concentration of strain is less than classical values.
Lattices with ideal hinges can exhibit negative Poisson's ratio and Cosserat characteristic length tending to infinity. Such lattices allow extension but not bending.
Flexible links in lattices made by 3D printing are not ideal hinges. Lattices of this type are not so extreme as those with ideal hinges.
Designed chiral lattices exhibit squeeze - twist coupling. Elastic chirality can be understood within Cosserat elasticity but not within classical elasticity.